
Summer Loving

The Story- Behind the concept shoot

Why am I doing this? Why are we all coming together? Besides the fact we all rock at what we do and we love to create. There is one selfish reason why I’m bringing you all together. A few months ago Covid19 became a word that over night was in our lives. It turned things upside down, inside out and a whole lot of sideways. It affected the wedding industry tremendously at an unpreceded speed. Some where able to overcome the obstacles and some shut their doors. I chose to do things a little different. I’m very grateful that both my husband and I still have our jobs. Yes, you heard that right, I have a day job to. Over night I started working from home and became a teacher to my son. I couldn’t wrap my brain on how I wanted to maneuver through this pandemic. As days went by, I didn’t even know what or who to believe. I needed to take care of me and my family. I took the time to evaluate what I wanted out of my little business. I took the time to truly miss creating. This is my time to say I’M BACK and I’m coming back hard, fierce and motivated. Guess what? I’m taking you all on the journey with me. There is no small part in this. You are all part of the bigger picture and part of a kick ass team. Can’t wait to hear your stories.

It’s Going to be Perfect!

Let's Plan Your Big Day!